Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hills and Bicycles!

Daylight savings ends tonight. Are you excited? Me neither. Just thought I would ask. Anyway...

I took all four of my girls out to ride bikes in the cove this afternoon before dinner. I took my two oldest and broke them from the fear of riding down a hill. I had to teach them to brake (with brakes and not their feet). After we went down some of the big hills in our subdivision together, they took it own themselves to go alone. They conquered their fears.

What are you afraid of? What seems to make you uneasy? The only way to overcome your fear is to take it head on. You might discover the hill is not as steep and the situation is not as scary as you imagined. Have a little faith. Believe God! He is ready and willing to go off the hill with you. Get on your bicycle and start peddling!

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