Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Finished Work

I cut my yard for the first time this season today. I almost let it get out of control. The trimming almost took me as long as actually mowing the yard. The good news is it's finished! It's comforting to know something is finished.

In just a few days we will be celebrating Easter. Easter represents a finished work! Jesus redeemed a lost world by giving His life on a cross! As He hung between heaven and earth he made the statement, "It is finished!" He accomplished what His Father sent Him to do and now He sits at the Father's right hand. He lives! He reigns forever! It is finished!

What needs finishing in your life? Is there something you need God to accomplish in you? There is no better time than the present. God is able if you are willing. Start today before it gets out of control.


sixwickerts said...

LOVE the new pictures!! You guys are a good lookin' bunch! :)

Ricky Morris said...

Thanks Helen! Your pics on Facebook of the Tea Party is awesome. Thanks for hosting. I've heard nothing but great things.