Sunday, December 2, 2007

Four Tickets To Christmas

I know you are probably getting sick of hearing about "Four Tickets to Christmas"... so... this will probably be my last post on the subject... maybe (that's my loophole).

We had two great performances on Friday and Saturday. We estimate around 170 people each night. The total does not seem like much, but when you factor in 18 tables plus overflow area in the sanctuary... it looks full. The audience was great. They laughed, applauded, cheered... they were there. The cast did a phenomenal job. There were a few lines flubbed and some audio and lighting cue mistakes, but not where the audience knew. Overall... Pastor reported this morning during church that seven people responded to salvation over the last two nights... Praise the Lord! We have one more night... which begins in three hours. It has been a great production!

On a side note... everyone is tired! But... that's expected when you work as hard as this cast and crew have worked. Rest begins tomorrow! I hope you have enjoyed this week's report. Talk to you tomorrow!

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