Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Forgotten Blog!

It's amazing how we can seem to get away from things at times. Take my blog for instance. It's been almost a month since I've posted. Even though I know I have a blog and have posted almost 300 times since I began... I haven't thought much about it over this past few weeks.

If we are not careful our walk with God can become the same way. We may have 'posted' many conversations over the years, but have you 'posted' one today? Have we taken the time to hear from His Word and communicate with Him on some level. Don't let God become a blog forgotten. Don't let him become a hobby that no longer draws your interest. Communicate! Protect the relationship you have with your God. Draw close to Him and watch Him draw close to you!

Jesus loves us and desires our company. Let us never forget that fact... so start 'typing'!


Anonymous said...

I see where you are coming from, I have been just to busy to blog. The same is with church they have been keeping us so busy I usually end up missing. I have been doing my devotions though and staying close that way but it is not the same as being in church.

Jessica Grizzard said...

Haha now you know how I feel about my blog, Pastor Rick! =)